Wednesday, September 6, 2023

AT Command Tutorial: MDBT42Q-AT/PAT

AT commands play a crucial role in wireless communication, IoT, and embedded systems.

This guide aims to assist developers in creating an appropriate environment for efficient AT command usage, ensuring smooth communication and application operation.

Credit to Hanyu Hsu /Avnet Taiwan.

Edited by Sales Manager: Ms. Mandy Chao
Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子有限公司
A BT5.2 & BT5.1 & BT5 module maker based on Nordic nRF53 & nRF52 solution
(nRF5340 & nRF52840 & nRF52833 & nRF52832 & nRF52820 & nRF52811 & nRF52810 & nRF52805) email: Tel: +886.2.3234.0208